Our girl Shasta had a big morning. On our walk, Shasta was able to pass 4 groups of strangers without reacting. Woohoo!!!!
Again, WOO!!!! HOOOOOO!!!!!
This doesn't mean her training is finished, not even close. We simply tried something different this morning as people passed. We stopped, and I got her attention on me. Then, we did tricks. Sit. Shake. Down. Sit. High Five. Repeat. It also helped that I had some Natural Balance Treat Roll - also known as puppy crack.
While I don't think she's ready to routinely walk by people yet, I know she's able to focus and work while people pass us. This is a step in the right direction, and now I know a method that works with her. We'll do this more, at least 4-6 times as a training standard. Then, we'll change the location 4-6 times. There's the Canine Center and the Petco parking lot, just to name two. After Shasta proves she can do this consistently, we'll advance the work to add movement, and we'll work and walk past people.
We've still got work to do on her toy play in the front yard, and I've got time to start on this today. We did fudge the toy holding this week...giving her pets for being cute. However, I'm going to 86 that tactic anyway and train the toy hold like a sitstay. She's just too darned adorable, and I don't see that withholding affection from a her when she's relaxed will really accomplish anything. I want to reward that calm state, not ignore it.
Concerning her diet, the addition of chamomile, banana, fish oil and OptaGest seems to be working. Since making this change, she hasn't vomited. There's been the occasional belch, but no pukes.
Also this coming week, we'll begin working on integration with Nola. They walk nicely together outside, even being playful (I do NOT let them have physical contact though). Next, they get to hang out in the house...on leashes or tethered on opposite sides of the room. All so they can get used to each other and know that I'm in charge. If this goes well, the chances of adopting Shasta skyrocket. Sean told me there are three things that need to happen first:
- We need to be able to trust her in the house with the cats. CHECK
- Nola and Shasta need to be able to live together. Sean doesn't want to run two households permanently, which is understandable.
- Shasta needs to be able to meet new people. We don't want to chance her biting family if they come to visit.